Jon Wheeler


Sharing rich perspective on developing growth strategies, raising senior leadership performance and navigating organizational and cultural change
Jon is a trusted advisor who embodies “operating at the intersection of business and humanity” by helping senior leaders and their teams build strategic and organizational alignment while raising their level of performance. He has had a diverse career including multiple technology sales and marketing roles, a management advisor supporting large-scale business transformation projects in global enterprises, the general manager of a media firm, co-founder of a venture-backed software startup, and the founder and principal of his own management consulting firm.
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    Through these varied experiences, Jon has built a rich perspective on how businesses operate and what can make the difference between success and superior performance. These issues range from strategic clarity to operational execution and in particular the senior leadership and people-related change dynamics that are most critical. He has gained these perspectives from both being on the line as a senior business leader and his consulting work with clients across many industries and in many different situations. In addition, he works hard to maintain some balance in his life by enjoying travel with his wife, music of all kinds, and the solitude of his bike, yard, and gardens.

“When all is said and done … what will have mattered most to you?”


B.S., St. Lawrence University
International Studies Program, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Graduate Studies in Business Ethics, Hartford Seminary
Past President, St. Lawrence Executive Alumni Council and delegate to the Board of Trustees
Member, Human Resources Leadership Forum
Member, Organization Design Forum



Have a direction, set some goals, and enjoy the ride. 


Gardening, skiing, and travel. 


“For every action, there is a reaction,” or the corollary, 
“There is no such thing as a free lunch.” 


Wisdom, Energy and Conviction. The wisdom to see, hear and understand, and the energy and conviction to act.
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