By Bill McKendree, Founding Partner of The Clarion Group, Ltd.
July 9, 2020
As the momentum of the Black Lives Matter movement continues to grow, I have been struck by how companies are responding to it. Most are openly acknowledging the unintentional complicity of their own organizations in perpetuating the issues; implicit biases are being illuminated like never before. I am impressed by how this movement that is challenging systemic (i.e., across the “ecosystem”) biases is unearthing the core of our implicit biases. The broader context from which this heightened awareness has spawned has come about, I think, from the collision of many forces that are culminating to create one giant breaking wave: confusing and divisive messages from the U.S. administration, pent up isolation and angst from COVID-19, an economy that has heightened the disparity between the “have and have nots,” positive overseas relationships with allies turning adversarial, and so much more. Metaphorically, these forces, strengthened by mass-impact movements such as Black Lives Matter, have created a huge pile of dry kindling; the death of George Floyd (following way too many others) was perhaps the spark that ignited the bonfire now burning. Companies today have three choices to make in response to the challenge so well-articulated by the Black Lives Matter movement: Do nothing, assuming “this too shall pass.” Assess, and where needed, adapt their own internal culture and operating environment in ways that surface and eliminate implicit biases. Embrace the work in choice #2 WHILE CONCURRENTLY : Developing holistic clarity around how, as a player in society, the organization is knowingly – or unknowingly – perpetuating biases, racist principles, and divisive behavior in their marketplaces; and then Making the changes needed, accepting that pillars so foundational as mission, vision, and values may be at stake. I am optimistic that the Black Lives Matter movement is going to make a difference – ideally at the systemic level but at least at a “dent” level. So many company leaders with whom we’ve worked have chosen #3 as the necessary course to follow. This is encouraging as it reflects broad recognition that the organization’s contribution to societal change requires both “inside” and “outside focus.” In our experience, working with literally hundreds of leaders, most organizations had begun the journey towards creating truly diverse and inclusive cultures some time ago; the fires now have accelerated those efforts, prompting deeper consideration into areas such as: Talent Management : How is our leadership team “mapping” (from a diversity perspective) to our customer base, employee base, and the communities we serve/operate in? Leadership Principles : Have we reviewed our leadership principles and considered development strategies/learning to ensure we are building the muscle required of our leaders to be inclusive leaders, who also stretch themselves to form diverse-by-design teams intentionally to broaden the unique perspectives brought to a business problem or opportunity? Today we see leaders and their organizations examining with real scrutiny “who they be” with their customers, partners, and shareholders: How are we selecting the market segments to do business with? Why? Do these choices harmfully exclude others from our products/services? Have we reviewed our approach to supplier management and selection and considered any implicit bias or leanings based on historical relationships only? Who do we recruit and select to represent us in the marketplace, either our employees, agents, distributors, or sales representative agencies? Are we too aggressively going after the segments where we can maximize profits or are we balancing the need to make money with the needs of all of society? How do we best reset our strategic choices on the ways we interact with the marketplace so as to not perpetuate implicit bias and exclusion? We should all applaud the companies that are pursuing this much bolder and harder path. It is not lipstick on the pig; it is holistic and systemic change. It will take years of concerted effort, millions of dollars, and great courage to stay the course to fully operationalize the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Patience is needed but inaction is unacceptable. For the companies being heralded, we should expect to see steps of progress while always remembering that lasting systemic change will take time.